2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Solutions for Southern Growers from FMC

Lizzy Schultz

MSFGS-16-Mitchell The FMC team was on hand at the 2016 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show, using the event as an opportunity to meet with Southern growers and discuss the multitude of crop protection solutions offered to them through the FMC portfolio.

Rusty Mitchell, Technical Support Specialist for FMC, sat down for an interview on the latest additions to the company’s diverse portfolio, and how those products offer solutions to the current crop protection problems facing the South, specifically the rise herbicide-resistant pigweeds like Palmer Amaranth.

“A big program that we’re concentrating on right now is utilizing pre-emergence as well as overlapping residual products to manage that pigweed problem,” said Mitchell. “Palmer Amaranth is a very aggressive weed, especially in soybeans and corn, and we cannot allow for it to emerge and try to control it post-emergence.”

Mitchell discussed several FMC product lines that Southern growers are turning to in order to take control of their crops before the pigweeds get that opportunity, including the Authority brand of herbicides for soybeans, and the new Ethos XB line of insecticides for corn. Several different products are available for growers, allowing for multiple modes of action to keep the weeds at bay.

“It’s all about plant health, it’s all about establishing a plant in such a way that it will allow it to maximize its yield potential, whether its an insecticide, whether its a herbicide, whether its a fungicide, or growth enhancing material,” said Mitchell.

Listen to my full interview with Rusty here:
Interview with Rusty Mitchell, FMC

2016 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show Photo Album

Coverage of the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show is sponsored by
Coverage of the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show is sponsored by FMC
Ag Groups, Audio, Crop Protection, FMC, Herbicide, Insecticides