2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alltech ONE Set To Inspire Industry

Lizzy Schultz

ippe-16-pearse-lyons Last year, Alltech’s Rebelation symposium offered the industry an unprecedented opportunity for global collaboration by hosting programs, discussions, and information sessions with some of the worlds greatest innovators. This year’s symposium is called ONE, and it promises to be even more unforgettable.

ONE is a forum, hosted by Alltech, for industry professionals to discuss world-changing ideas with other industry leaders through global networking opportunities that intend to create one thing: inspiration. ONE will challenge businesses to seek out a one-in-a-million idea that will change the way their company works, and improve it forever.

“It’s called the ONE. It’s the one place to go, its the one idea that will change your life, its the one person with the one idea, its the one idea for you to mix with great people,” said Dr. Pearse Lyons, founder and president of Alltech, in an interview during the 2016 International Poultry and Processing Expo (IPPE). “We are at three times the revenue today that we were last January. Now by any standards, that is a massive change, and to continue to have these massive changes, you need to be willing to listen to other people.”

The conference features programs that focus on a blend of science, agriculture, entrepreneurship, business and marketing information, and also includes with a craft beer festival. The impressive roster of speakers includes Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computer, Inc, and Alan Mulally, President and CEO of Ford Motor Company from 2006-2014.

“At the forum you are going to listen to the man who turned Ford around, the man who went up to Congress and said ‘thank you Mr. President, but I’m not taking any money,” said Lyons. “His whole campaign was ONE Ford, ONE team, ONE objective. He’s going to talk about how you pull your team together, how you build a business.”

The incredible symposium promises to inspire the leaders of the industry, offering a passionate, positive, and motivational approach to discussing the incredible challenges currently facing the world of agriculture, working as a part of Alltech’s strong commitment to marketing through education.

“The idea is to share the excitement, the excitement of the world, because one day in 2050, the world won’t be hungry, we won’t be using pesticides; it’s all so exciting,” said Lyons. “Nowhere is it written that science needs to be boring. We’re going to get you science in a way that is understandable, and we’re going to get you science in a way that is exciting.”

Listen to Chuck’s full interview with Dr. Lyons here:
Interview with Dr. Pearse Lyons, Alltech

Ag Groups, Alltech, Audio, Events, International, Technology