2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

TPP Big Topic for Ag Groups at #NAFB15

Cindy Zimmerman

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is no doubt the biggest issue for ag groups at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention in Kansas City this week.

nafb-15-tppRepresentatives from six national farm groups joined USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Administrator Phil Karsting in Kansas City Wednesday for a press event to discuss the TPP. The event featured farmer leaders from the American Soybean Association, National Pork Producers Council, National Corn Growers Association, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, U.S. Grains Council and National Association of Wheat Growers, exploring the importance of the TPP for their individual industry sectors.

Needless to say, every one is in strong support of the trade agreement and what it can mean for farmers, ranchers and the entire country. “This is a huge deal,” said Karsting. “Everybody has skin in the game.”

Listen to opening comments from Karsting and all the ag group leaders here:
TPP panel at NAFB 2015

NAFB Convention Photo Album

Coverage of NAFB Convention is sponsored by
Coverage of NAFB Convention is sponsored by BASF
Audio, Corn, NAFB, NCBA, NCGA, Pork, Soybean, Trade, USDA, Wheat