RFA Ethanol Podcast

CEO Council on Sustainability and Innovation

Taylor Truckey

bipartisan policyLeading agribusiness CEOs, with the assistance of the Bipartisan Policy Center, have announced a new joint effort aimed to identify and promote innovative approaches to improving sustainability in agriculture and food production.

The CEO Council on Sustainability and Innovation will officially be launched tomorrow, October 29 by leaders of DuPont, Elanco, Kellogg Company, and Land O’ Lakes. Over the next several months, the council will research, collect and amplify innovative approaches within the agribusiness industry to combat and adapt to the realities of a changing climate and its impacts on food production.

As the event is open to the public, the details are below for the official launch.

Jeff Simmons
President, Elanco

John A. Bryant
Chairman and CEO, Kellogg Company

Chris Policinski
President and CEO, Land O’ Lakes

Secretary Dan Glickman
Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
Senior Fellow, BPC

WHEN: Thursday, October 29th 2015 02:00 p.m. to 03:00 p.m. ET
WHERE: Bipartisan Policy Center, 1225 Eye St. NW, Suite 1000, Was

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Elanco, politics