RFA Ethanol Podcast

FFA Encourages Students to #SpeakAg

Kelly Marshall

ffa_logoThe National FFA Organization is encouraging students to share how they are growing their knowledge of agriculture with a social media challenge entitled

Members may participate by tweeting or instagraming a photo, video or story of how they are using knowledge gained in the classroom, from an SAE project or other FFA activity to inform their communities.  Once they’ve posted with the hashtag members should submit their post to the FFA website.  The current theme for October 11-24 is “Government.”

National officers will be sharing their favorite entires, so posts will be seen by hundreds of thousands of people.

speakag_logo_773x211The purpose of the project is to increase member’s ability to be fluent in the language of agriculture and sharing their knowledge.  By working to improve these skills they will be better able to make a difference in closing the communication gap between producers and consumers.

Ag Groups, FFA, Social Media