2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

2016 Prez Candidates Address Hunger, Poverty

Joanna Schroeder

Yesterday following the Iowa Hunger Summit, several nonprofit organizations including Feeding America, Bread for Life and the Iowa Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church, launched the Vote to End Hunger Campaign. The initiative is to hold presidential candidates’ responsible for ending hunger and poverty in the U.S. and globally.

The campaign was launched in Des Moines, Iowa they day before the opening of the 2015 World Food Prize, an international meeting of the minds to address food issues such as security, sustainability and the need to feed a growing global population.

Vote to End Hunger supporters want voters to ask presidential candidates, “If you were elected, what will you do to end hunger, alleviate poverty and create opportunity in the U.S. and worldwide?”

So where do the candidates stand on this issue?

Circle of Protection, an organization comprised of various denominational Christian leaders, asked candidates this very question and invited them to submit a three minute video to tell Americans where they stand on hunger and poverty. Many responded and you can watch their videos here.

Food, politics, Video, World Food Prize