RFA Ethanol Podcast

Mystik & Heil Harvesting to Dominate Extreme Jobs

Kelly Marshall

mystikMystik® Lubricants, specializing in performance lubricants for automotive, on-road fleets, off-road and agriculture, is teaming up with Mark Heil Harvesting, a custom harvester in Ulysses, Kansas to tackle the day-to-day challenges of a large scale harvesting operation.  The two companies will show life on the road for the harvesting team, showcasing tough terrain and weather as they move through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado.

“Crisscrossing the Great Plains and battling everything Mother Nature throws at you makes teaming up with Mark Heil Harvesting the perfect fit for Mystik,” said Karl Schmidt, general manager of Mystik Lubricants. The team is well set to meet the challenge, with Heil Harvesting’s 40 years and thousands of acres’ worth of experience and Mystik Lubricant’s reputation of 60 years of testing prudcts in era-world conditions.

“When your office is the great outdoors, you have to be prepared for anything,” said Mark Heil, owner of Mark Heil Harvesting. “And that includes punishing weather like rain, hail and drought conditions. We’re excited to partner with Mystik to help us continue to push the extremes and are confident we can meet any challenge we face with Mystik protecting our equipment.”

Mystik fans are invited to stay tuned for exclusive insider views from the team, including harvesting in a variety of conditions, job recaps and maintenance updates. These informative webisodes are available on the Mystik Lubricants Facebook page, website and YouTube channel.

Agribusiness, Equipment, Harvest