RFA Ethanol Podcast

West Central Expansion Will Create Financial Strength

Joanna Schroeder

West Central has announced a major commitment to its grower-members and to Iowa with the announcement of a $27 million expansion. According to West Central President and CEO Milan Kucerak, this is a significant investment for the company. He said on the dairy side they have three products – SoyPlus, SoyChlor and PASTURChlor – that they sell nationally and internationally.

“This will represent a 50 percent increase in our production of SoyPlus to keep up with demand,” said Kucerak. There is a global demand for dairy and a global demand to feed those animals.” He explained that the expansion also maintains their diversification within their business units as well.

West Central Milan KucerakThe initiative also allows West Central to turn their member-growing soybeans into a product they produce right here in Iowa. Kucerak added the major expansion allows them to have financial diversity as well.

“We all know grain markets have highs and lows and they ebb and flow. So if you have one business unit that is in the low cycle, the trough, you’ve got others that balance that out. That gives us a tremendous diversity in the company to maintain our financial strength,” said Kucerak.

Listen to Jamie Johansen’s interview with Milan Kucerak here: Milan Kucerak Interview

West Central Press Conference Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Dairy, Nutrition, Soybean