2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Check Out the Online Biogas Calculator

Joanna Schroeder

Biogas CalculatorThere is a new online biogas calculator now available from PlanET Biogas Global. The tool enables farmers to check out the energy potential of their substrates. The biogas project calculator is free of charge and provides its users an early look regarding optimal substrate mixes for an efficient biogas production.

“During my daily consultant work I have realised that most farmers are interested in the energy potential of their available substrates, especially in the beginning of any planning,” reports Hanna Garbert, international sales consultant from PlanET Biogas Global. “Everyone, who considers developing a biogas project, is now able to quickly check out, if and in which size a biogas production is possible on his farm.”

Garbert hopes the biogas calculator becomes a helpful implementation tool for farmers.  She adds, “This biogas calculator is a rough guideline for our clients, certainly we carry out concrete feasibility calculations in a following step in which country-specific regulations such as feed in tariffs are being considered.

Agribusiness, Energy