RFA Ethanol Podcast

Former Ag Secretaries Urge Congress to Pass TPA

Cindy Zimmerman

2012 USDA Outlook Forum

2012 USDA Outlook Forum

A bipartisan group of former U.S. Agriculture Secretaries, representing all past administrations since President Jimmy Carter, issued an open letter on Friday urging Congress to pass Trade Promotion Authority (TPA).

The former secretaries note that TPA has been given to all previous presidents since Gerald Ford and is critical for successfully negotiating new trade partnerships that boost exports and create jobs. Congress could begin consideration of legislation to grant President Obama Trade Promotion Authority this week.

The letter was signed by Secretary Ed Schafer (2008–2009); Secretary Mike Johanns (2005–2007); Secretary Ann Veneman (2001–2005); Secretary Dan Glickman (1995–2001); Secretary Mike Espy (1993–1994); Secretary Clayton K. Yeutter (1989–1991); Secretary John R. Block (1981–1986); and Secretary Robert Bergland (1977–1981). Veneman, who served in the George W. Bush Administration, and Glickman, who served under President Clinton, took part in a media conference call with current Secretary Tom Vilsack on Friday just prior to his appearance at the 2015 Commodity Classic to announce new bipartisan efforts to expand trade and boost agricultural exports.

Pictured in this photo from USDA at the 2012 Outlook Forum:
Top row: Yeutter, Glickman, Espy, Block
Bottom row: Johanns, Vilsack, Veneman, Schafer

Exports, Trade, USDA