2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

CIRB Wrap Up

Jamie Johansen

cirb-15-sarah-hubbertBefore the Crop Insurance and Reinsurance (CIRB) annual meeting was a wrap, Chuck sat down with Sarah Hubbert with CIRB to get her perspective on how the event went and a glimpse into what they have planned for the future.

“As CIRB staff, it has been really exciting to see how much this annual meeting has really grown over the last few years. There is a lot of excitement, a lot of good relationship building and good energy moving forward in the year ahead. Although, as you heard from our speakers, there are a lot of policy challenges that we are going to be facing in the crop insurance world in the coming months. But I think CIRB is ready to take those on.”

Sarah said their to-do list is already long but if you step aside from the doom and gloom, there are many opportunities to build relationships with farm organizations and others impacted by crop insurance whether they know it or not. She also stressed the fact that crop insurance really does help the entire rural economy.

Learn more about CIRB and listen to plans for next year’s annual meeting in Chuck’s complete interview with Sarah:Interview with Sarah Hubbert, CIRB

2015 Crop Insurance & Reinsurance Bureau Annual Meeting Photo Album

Coverage of the Crop Insurance & Reinsurance Bureau Annual Meeting is sponsored by
Coverage of the Crop Insurance & Reinsurance Bureau Annual Meeting is sponsored by RCIS
Ag Groups, Audio, CIRB, Insurance