2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Nufarm Cotton Plant Regulators

Chuck Zimmerman

NufarmWith a little help from Tony St. James, All Ag All Day, we get to learn more about some of the products that Nufarm is bringing to the cotton market. Tony sat down with Dr. Bob Bruss during the 2015 Beltwide Cotton Conferences.

Since they were talking cotton the subject of plant growth regulators was of primary importance. Bruss says Nufarm has quite a portfolio of cotton growth regulators which includes a number of harvest aids for the end of the season like Super Boll, CottonQuik, FreeFall, CutOut and a new product coming out this year called Terminate. You can hear about the differences and strengths of these products in Tony’s interview.

Listen to Tony’s interview with Dr. Bruss here: Interview with Dr. Bob Bruss

You can find photos from the opening day of the conferences here: 2015 Beltwide Cotton Conferences

Coverage of the Beltwide Cotton Conference is sponsored by Coverage of the Beltwide Cotton Conference is sponsored by NuFarm
Agribusiness, Audio, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton, Nufarm