RFA Ethanol Podcast

Alltech’s 2014 Harvest Analysis Results

Jamie Johansen

alltechAlltech will be unveiling the 2014 Harvest Analysis Results from their 37+ Mycotoxin Analysis program and during the National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s Trade Talk, Chuck spoke with Ann Hess, North American Field PR Manager for Alltech about their discoveries.

“A few years ago we started the Alltech 37+ Mycotoxin Analysis program that analyzes up to 38 toxins in feed samples. It’s surprising each year what we find and often more than meets the eye. This year experts are estimating a record plus year for yields, but an abundant harvest doesn’t always mean a problem free crop for livestock.”

Producers who send in their samples receive a customized report and then an Alltech rep will visit each operation to examine where the mycotoxins might be entering into the feed. Solutions will vary, but storage plays a big factor.

The Alltech Mycotoxin Management Team will be releasing their annual North American Harvest Analysis Survey and producers can see the latest results from the 2014 crop, the potential mycotoxin challenges for 2015 and ways to protect livestock health and performance.

Find out more about Alltech’s mycotoxin testing in Chuck’s complete interview with Ann: Interview with Ann Hess, Alltech

2014 NAFB Convention Photos

Agribusiness, Alltech, Audio, Feed, Forage