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Farm Foundation to Discuss WOTUS

John Davis

farmfoundationlogo3As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers takes public comment on their proposed “Waters of the United States” or WOTUS regulations, Farm Foundation is offering a forum on the issue. Next Wednesday, Sept. 17th from 9 am-11 am at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Farm Foundation hosts a free forum on how the regulation would expand EPA and Corps authority and could impede land-use decisions and farming practices near the waters in question.

The perspective of the regulator will be presented by Tracy Mehan, with Gene Schmidt providing perspectives of farmers/landowners.

Mehan is currently the National Source Water Protection Coordinator for the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities. He is also an adjunct professor at George Mason University School of Law, a member of the Environmental Law Institute and a former assistant administrator for water at the EPA.

Schmidt is an Indiana grain farmer and past president of the National Association of Conservation Districts. In addition to his work at the national level, Schmidt is a member of the Board of the LaPorte County Soil and Water Conservation District, and has served in numerous leadership position in the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

More information and registration are available here. If you can’t attend in person, Farm Foundation will provide an audiocast of the event on its website.

Farm Foundation, Water