2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Precision and Data Brings Companies Together

Cindy Zimmerman

infoag-14-deere-kriegOne of the great aspects of the InfoAg Conference is company-to-company communications and partnerships for the benefit of farmers.

We talked with Kevin Krieg, John Deere Intelligent Solutions Group Product Line Manager, about how important it is to work with other companies. “It’s one of the biggest roadblocks to being able to get more adoption of precision technologies – the challenges of being able to get the data from all the different formats, all the different tools, into the ones that can add value to (the farmer),” said Krieg. “What John Deere is trying to do is focus on the grower and what they need to get their job done and we realize it’s not always going to be the John Deere complete solution that’s going to do that.”

Krieg says if that means they have to share the data with other companies and the customer gives them the rights to get that data, “we’re going to enable that and make that happen for the grower in order for them to make that increased profitability for their farm.” Interview with Kevin Krieg, John Deere

An example is how John Deere is working with MapShots AgStudio.

“With our add on menu, you can actually update or upload all of your data,” from most major manufacturers, says Josh Morris with MapShots tech support.

The ultimate goal of precision farming technology is time and money savings, which is why Morris says this third party integration is so important. “Instead of going out to your barn and uploading with a USB stick, you’re able to just link your AgStudio database with your MyJohnDeere account and just transfer your set up cards with your boundaries,” said Morris. Interview with Josh Morris, MapShots support

InfoAg 2014 Photo Album

Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by
Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by MapShotsCoverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by John DeereCoverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by Ag Leader Technology
Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Precision Agriculture