2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

College Cafeteria Confidential

Chuck Zimmerman

College Cafeteria ConfidentialIt might sound like something secret but a panel of college “Millennials” talked about “College Cafeteria Confidential: Millennials in the Lunch Line.” Our moderator was Rob Morasco, Sodexo USA. During his session I heard some terms like sustainability and food justice from the George Washington University students participating. I got some contrasting views from two of our panelists.

First up is Jesse Schaffer, Senior, who sees eating good food as a human right. He also believes in food justice and defines it in my interview with him. He got motivated after seeing the unequal distribution of food here in this area and has become active in creating two urban farms. I asked him what his definition of sustainability is.

Interview with Jesse Schaffer

I also spoke with Jennifer Weinberg, Freshman, who was asked on during the panel discussion to define sustainability. I asked her the same question.

Interview with Jennifer Weinberg

The ring frame for the photo comes from our conference room tables. They’re sitting on the end of a lot of rows of tables. I’m not sure why but thought it would make a cool frame for this panel photo.

2014 AAA Stakeholders Summit Photo Album

Coverage is sponsored by Sensible Table

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Food, Sustainability