RFA Ethanol Podcast

Syngenta Answers Grower Questions at NFMS

Jamie Johansen

nfms-14-matt-wellsThose who walked through the dynamic Syngenta booth during the National Farm Machinery Show were not disappointed. Producers were able to ask questions and get first-hand advice from Syngenta reps while taking in all the sights.

Chuck spoke with Matt Wells, a Syngenta Sale Representative in the central/eastern region of Kentucky, about what growers are asking and what advice they are giving.

Matt said they have had a lot of questions about resistance. Growers want to know what they can do to avoid herbicide resistance on their farms.

“At the same time they are looking at commodity prices and how they have changed over the last year. How are we going to make everything work? Let’s keep our fields clean, increase our yields and take advantage of going into 2014.”

In Matt’s territory he shared that they are introducing a few new soybean varieties for growers to take advantage of. There are also some new corn varieties that he is very excited about along with new technologies Syngenta is looking at doing some testing on in the coming year.

You can listen to the interview with Matt here: Interview with Matt Wells

National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, National Farm Machinery Show, NFMS, Syngenta, Video