2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New NCBA Officer Team

Cindy Zimmerman

ncba-officersThe new president of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) is Bob McCan of Texas, who succeeded Scott George as president during the board of directors meeting last week.

“It is a great honor to be elected to lead NCBA for the next year. A strong future lies ahead of us with endless opportunities for U.S. cattlemen and women,” said McCan. “There are many issues that need our attention, and my goal is to bring unity to our efforts to address them. In addition, I look forward to meeting cattlemen throughout the country to hear their concerns and work to make our industry as successful as it can be.”

The new NCBA President Elect is Philip Ellis of Wyoming. Tracy Brunner of Kansas is NCBA’s new vice president. Cevin Jones of Idaho was elected chairman of the NCBA Federation Division, and Jennifer Houston of Tennessee is the Federation Division’s vice chair. The new NCBA Policy Division chairman is Craig Uden of Nebraska and Kevin Kester of California is the new policy vice chairman.

Pictured here from left to right are Kester, Brunner, NCBA CEO Forrest Roberts, Uden, Houston, Treasurer Richard Gebhart, McCan, Jones, George, and Ellis.

Ag Groups, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA