2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Novus Sponsors Poultry Science Student Lunch

Cindy Zimmerman

ippe-14-novus-bereshKeeping with the Novus International dedication to supporting scientific careers, the company this year sponsored the Poultry Scientific Forum student luncheon this year as part of the activities at the International Production and Processing Expo in Atlanta.

Bob Buresh, North American Technical Services Manager, says the founding societies sponsoring the student events at the forum set up the luncheon a few years ago and this year Novus came in as a sponsor. “We had 60-65 undergraduate and graduate students participating this year,” Bob said. “We have a strong commitment to developing the next generation of nutritionists, physiologists, geneticists, and sales people.”

Novus also provided a couple of door prizes for a couple of lucky students – nice little Vivitar digital video recorders – in addition to Novus flash drives for everyone, something that is always useful to a college student.

Listen to my interview with Bob here: Interview with Bob Buresh, Novus International

International Production and Processing Expo Photos

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Animal Health, Audio, Education, IPPE, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo