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Cattle Industry Convention

Chuck Zimmerman

New Holland at Cattle Industry ConventionIt looks like all systems are go for this year’s Cattle Industry Convention in Nashville, TN. It’s the first time I’ll be missing it in a long time. But that’s the way things work sometime. I enjoyed the opportunity to be the Beef Board Blogger for eight years and it’s in the hands of the very capable staff of the CBB.

It looks like attendees dodged a weather bullet this week. That’s a good thing.

I see that New Holland is very visible outside the Gaylord. We’ll see them next week at the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville.

If you can’t attend the convention then check out the Twitter hashtag – #CIC14 to keep up on the latest. You might want to follow the Beef Ambassadors too – @BeefAmbassador.

Ag Groups, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA