2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Propane Worries for Poultry Producers

Cindy Zimmerman

ippe-14-starkeyWith feed prices lower now than they were in 2012, there is a lot of optimism in the U.S. poultry industry, but now producers are contending with another high input cost – energy.

U.S. Poultry and Egg Association
president John Starkey says the propane shortage and resulting higher prices are having a great impact on the poultry industry nationwide. “Particularly in the broiler and turkey sector, the majority of houses are heated by propane,” said Starkey during an interview at the IPPE this week. “The bitter cold weather we’ve had throughout the poultry belt has caused shortages … so that means it’s very difficult for some folks to find propane gas right now.”

Starkey said one of his members in Indiana had to go to Texas to find propane and “gas that he bought a few weeks ago at $1.09 he was going to Texas to pay $5.00 for.” Interview with John Starkey, U.S. Poultry and Egg

The U.S. Poultry & Egg Association is the world’s largest and most active poultry organization, formed in 1947 with affiliations in 26 states and member companies worldwide.

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