2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Together We Are Ag Leader

Melissa Sandfort

Insights WeeklyAn end user’s most important resource is their precision farming dealer. Ag Leader recognizes the importance of their dealer network and that’s why, in 2013, we’re going to introduce you to a few of those dedicated professionals in a series called “Getting to Know Ag Leader”.

To kick things off, we caught up with Todd Peterson of Peterson Ag service in Remington, Indiana:

1. From an agronomy standpoint, what do you consider to be the biggest issues facing growers today?
Being able to maximize profit from every acre by controlling input cost, managing pests and diseases, applying what the crop needs and analyzing data to make good decisions.

ToddPeterson2. Tell us about how growers in your area are using precision agriculture.
In my area of row crop corn and soybean production, growers have seen the benefit of many things from precision agriculture from guidance to machine control. SeedCommand and DirectCommand have been big to help reduce seed and input costs, while maximizing yield. Guidance has also played a large part, allowing my growers to cover more acres more efficiently. With the addition of Intellislope, it allows my growers to improve drainage and make these acres more productive.

3. What benefits are growers seeing by using precision ag on their farms? Give us some examples.
With the use of SeedCommand and clutch control, growers have been able to reduce seed cost from overplanting end rows and point rows. In turn, this has increased yield on end rows. With the use of guidance, growers are able to cover more acres in a day with less overlap and skip, as well as less operator fatigue, which allows them to be more productive.

4. What do you believe is on the horizon when it comes to technology and agriculture?
Since technology is an ever-evolving thing, I can’t wait to see what’s next. As we have the ability to better understand and analyze the data we collect, and manage our operations to maximize yield and reduce costs, the possibilities are great.

5. What’s your best piece of advice to a grower who might be looking at using precision ag products?
My best advice for a grower starting to use precision ag, or one that has been using it for a while, is to work with a trusted advisor that has the grower’s interest in mind. As technology moves fast, you have to have a plan of where you are and where you are wanting to go. Precision ag products are great IF you know how to use them and they fit and work for your operation.

Check back next month to “Get to Know” another Ag Leader dealer!

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Ag Leader, Agribusiness