RFA Ethanol Podcast

Bayer CropScience Honors Cotton Growers for Yields

Cindy Zimmerman

bwcc13-bayer-brehmerBayer CropScience and FiberMax® cotton are looking for more members to join the FiberMax One Ton Club™.

“More than 410 growers who’ve achieved 2,000 pounds of cotton to the acre on at least 20 acres, doing that with more than 27 varieties,” Jeff Brehmer, U.S. marketing manager for FiberMax, told attendees of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, highlighting the high yields of the varieties. And he says the fiber quality of the FiberMax cotton is recognized throughout the world. “We hear from gins out there who know they are ginning FiberMax cotton because it so much more efficient going through the gin. Those are the characteristics of that brand that we need to continue to deliver.”

Brehmer said that even in areas where water and growing conditions don’t make it possible for growers to achieve 2,000 pounds per acre, the FiberMax varieties still offer significant increases over what they had been growing. “The emotion also comes from where a farmer maybe 10 years ago was growing 350 pounds on their dryland but today is now growing 550 pounds. That success and emotion come with reaching levels that are attainable respective to your area.”

Growers can submit their qualification forms between now and March 1, 2013. Forms are available at local gins, through Bayer CropScience sales reps and online at www.FiberMax.com. Both first-time One Ton Club qualifiers and past members need to submit qualification forms for membership in the 2012 One Ton Club class. Members will be recognized at a banquet in April 2013 and have a chance to win a two-year lease on a Ford® Super Duty® F-350 King Ranch® truck. They also receive special FiberMax One Ton Club apparel and gifts.

Listen to Jeff talk about FiberMax and the One Ton Club here: Jeff Brehmer, FiberMax

Audio, Bayer, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton