2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FMC Seeking Registration for Anthem on Cotton

Cindy Zimmerman

bwcc13-akinFMC Corporation is working on registration of a new herbicide for resistant weed control in cotton by 2014. Growers at the Beltwide Cotton Conferences had a chance to hear more about it this week from Scott Akin with FMC.

“Anthem is going to be a valuable pre-emergence herbicide I think for cotton growers across the belt for use against grasses and small seeded broadleaf weeds, particularly Palmer ameranth,” Scott said.

As growers heard at the Beltwide, and most already know, glyphosate-resistant Palmer ameranth pigweed continues to spread across the cotton belt – showing up in even Arizona this past year, so FMC is working hard on field testing for the registration of Anthem in 2014. Anthem has already been registered for use on corn and is expected on soybeans soon.

To find out more, listen to my interview with Scott here: Scott Akin interview

2013 Beltwide Cotton photo album


Audio, Beltwide Cotton, Corn, Cotton, FMC