2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Become a Master of Social Media at UF

Chuck Zimmerman

UF Master of Social MediaThink you’re a master of social media? If not, you can become one at the University of Florida, College of Journalism & Communications, my alma mater.

I wonder if they’d like a guest lecturer? Think I’ll pursue that idea.

The University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications is pleased to announce the launch of our online Master of Arts in Mass Communication with a specialization in Social Media. As a UF graduate, we thought you’d be especially interested in this first-of-its-kind program and the ability to continue your education as a Gator no matter where you reside.

This innovative program provides a specialized focus in social media for the professional who is seeking knowledge in the advanced uses, communication techniques, business opportunities, and trends from the growing realm of social media. As a student, you will learn to adapt, craft, and deliver customized social media content and determine its effectiveness through a diverse range of social media metrics and data.

Designed for working professionals, this degree provides a flexible route to acquiring new skills and implementing them in your current career through online course delivery.

We invite you to learn more about this unique opportunity.

Education, Media, Social Networking, University