2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Broken Bar F Brand

Melissa Sandfort

IMG_6415For the holiday we traveled the almost 6 ½ hours to western Kansas to my in-law’s farm. Between my father and brother-in-law, they’d just purchased 43 new momma cows so the farm was hopping with new life. Two calves were born in the five days we were there, so the kids were scrambling to come up with names: we ended up with Orangie and Sherbet. (We had ice cream on the brain.)

While we were there, my husband also got roped into helping them brand. At least the sun was shining and it was about 40 degrees – unlike the typical 0 degrees and 40 mph winds western Kansas usually has during December! Once again, the kids loved it and it reminded me of my childhood, going out to the feedlot with my dad to brand the cattle.

The Slagle farm uses a “Broken Bar F” shaped brand. My husband’s grandpa said it looked like an ‘F’ with an ‘S’ on its back. It’s supposed to be crooked, I get that. It’s just that you really need an imagination to see that it’s an F.

This is my brother-in-law with one of the momma cows. She didn’t mind the ear tag or the brand, and boy did she like the little “pet” she got and the song one of the kids was singing as we sat on the tailgate to keep the men company.

Just another day on the farm!

Until we walk again …
