2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Syngenta Shares New Product Lines at NAFB

Jamie Johansen

It was obvious Syngenta was excited to talk about all the new and innovative things they have going on in the soybean and corn labs at the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s annual Trade Talk.

I spoke with Scott Erickson, Soybean Genetics Portfolio Manager for Syngenta. He shared how they are tackling all the things that can rob yields during the growing season and save farmers time and money.

“Well, we work on the seed part of the business which would be NK brand soybean varieties. Our focus is how do we put together the best genetic package that can deliver the most yield potential to todays soybean growers.”

“A lot of soybean farmers know CruiserMaxx Beans from Syngenta. That’s a registered insecticide and fungicide that we sold under the CruiserMaxx label, but now we have also launched a new fungicide focused on root strength called Vibrance. Soybeans from Syngenta this year, if purchased with treatment on them, will all come with CruiserMaxx Beans plus Vibrance. That is a great way to get the seedling off to a great start.”

Listen to my complete interview with Scott here: Scott Erickson - Syngenta

I also sat down with Chuck Lee, who is head of the corn division for Syngenta. He shared his enthusiasm for a great new product that will create drought tolerance in corn fields all season long.

“So, obviously we have lots invested in corn. We have lots of exciting things just this year that are coming out in the corn space. And probably one of the most exciting is our Agrisure Artesian technology. It’s a drought tolerant technology. It provides season long drought protection. It has really been an effective trait. We have more than 1,000 farmer strip trials out this year and in those strip trials they have increased yields up to 15% in moderate and severe drought environments.”

Listen to my complete interview with Chuck here: Chuck Lee - Syngenta

2012 NAFB Convention Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Corn, Farming, NAFB, Seed, Soybean, Syngenta, Technology