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Bayer Crop Protection for Corn and Soybeans

Cindy Zimmerman

At the recent Bayer CropScience Respect the Rotation event in Collinsville, Illinois, growers learned more about some of the company’s crop protection products for corn and soybeans to help them better avoid resistance issues in the future.

“We want to continue to use the products that we have,” said Mark Waddington, Bayer tech services rep, who talked about insecticides and fungicides for soybean management. Among the products he discussed was Stratego YLD, a dual mode of action product. “Last year we had 51 on-farm trials and saw a positive yield response about 90% of the time, resulting in an average increase of 4.75 bushel per acre.”

Listen to my interview with Mark: Mark Waddington interview

Bayer seed treatment marketing lead for corn and soybeans Ethan Luth talked to growers mainly about Poncho/VOTIVO, which provides a biological seed treatment opportunity to control nematodes in both corn and soybeans. “The bacteria is really the unique part of Poncho/VOTIVO,” he said. “They’re a living organism that grows with the seed.”

Listen to Ethan explain more and talk about what’s in the pipeline: Ethan Luth interview

Mike Weber talked about both Stratego YLD and Poncho/VOTIVO for corn, but also about Corvus and Capreno residual herbicides. “Corvus is our soil-applied herbicide, kind of our one-pass solution for the corn market,” he said. “Capreno is our post-emerge product.” He notes that, like all residuals, these products need some water to work, so the drought had a significant impact on them this year, but normally they work very well and they expect use of these relatively new products to continues to grow because they offer a complementary mode of action to help control weed resistance.

Listen to my interview with Mike: Mike Weber interview

See pictures from the field day in Collinsville in the Bayer CropScience Respect the Rotation photo album.

Audio, Bayer, Farming, weed management