2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farming Rock Star of YouTube

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 361One of the YouTube Farming Rock Stars attended the Ag Media Summit. He’s Greg Peterson, one of the Peterson Brothers who made the hit, Farming and I Grow It.

Greg really does sing and showed his talent at AMS. Here’s Greg on stage singing the National Anthem during one of our lunches. Great voice and a great job.

I sat down with him to talk about the making of the hit YouTube video. Greg says that he and his brothers edited the video and help from their sister to shoot the video. It took a whole summer since there is a lot of work today between school and the farm. The video has been viewed over 6.6 million times as of this post.

If you haven’t seen the outtakes you need to watch them too: Outtakes 1Outtakes 2 Need the lyrics? Here they are.

Listen to this week’s ZimmCast here: Greg Peterson Farms & He Grows It

Thanks to our ZimmCast sponsors, GROWMARK, locally owned, globally strong and Monsanto, Roundup Ready Plus, for their support.

The ZimmCast is the official weekly podcast of AgWired. Subscribe so you can listen when and where you want. Just go to our Subscribe page.

2012 Ag Media Summit Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the 2012 Ag Media Summit is sponsored by FMC
Ag Media Summit, Audio, ZimmCast