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Administration Supports Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack demonstrated the Obama administration’s strong commitment to ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) by spending over an hour at the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) conference on Friday morning.

“This is an industry that is worth supporting,” he told the crowd of about 250 ethanol industry leaders. “Which is why the president is supporting the Renewable Fuel Standard, and it’s why I’m supporting the Renewable Fuel Standard.”

In light of the lowered crop forecast for corn due to the drought, Vilsack noted that the RFS has built-in flexibilities and the market is responding as it should. “The market responds, the market reacts, the market pays attention, and we’re already seeing that,” he said.

Vilsack also stressed the need for the industry to defend itself in the face of attacks by critics and for friends of the industry to step up as well.

Listen to Vilsack’s remarks here: Secy Vilsack at ACE Visack answers audience questions: Secy Vilsack Questions

2012 ACE Conference Photo Album

ACE, Audio, Corn, Ethanol, USDA