2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer CropScience Greenhouse 5 Grand Opening

Chuck Zimmerman

The ribbon has been cut to open the Bayer CropScience Greenhouse 5. This massive facility will be the home to corn/soybean/cotton/canola research as soon as the company can get “moved in.” This morning we got a tour of the facility and you can see photos just as soon as I get them uploaded to the photo album.

To learn more about the facility and what it means to Bayer CropScience and its customers I visited with Dr. Wolfgang Plischke who is on the Bayer Board of Management in Germany. He cut the ribbon as you can see in the photo and video clip below.

Dr. Plischke says that it was about two years ago that they decided to “build a new world class greenhouse to accommodate the research for our corn and soybean programs.” The 30,000 sq. ft. of greenhouse space facility has massive air handling capabilities as well as complete control over lighting and other important elements of doing new plant research. You can more about the new facility in my conversation with Dr. Plischke.

Listen to or download my interview with Dr. Plischke here: Interview with Dr. Wolfgang Plischke

I’m putting photos from the Bayer event here: Bayer CropScience Greenhouse 5 Photo Album

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