2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Kicking Off National Hot Dog Month

Melissa Sandfort

To celebrate the start of July’s National Hot Dog Month, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) is proud to announce the winner of its t-shirt slogan contest. ‘Hot Dogs: Relish the Moment’ was America’s top choice for the Council slogan, beating seven other finalists in a Facebook poll. Gadi Lefkowitz of Baltimore, MD, who submitted the winning slogan, wins a $250 gift certificate to the grocery store of his choosing to build the perfect summer picnic and a custom designed t-shirt with his slogan immortalized on it.

Contest runner ups were:
1st runner up: ‘Make the Dog Days of Summer a Footlong by Joe Lilli
2nd runner up: ‘We Know How the Sausage Gets Made’ by Susan Schonfeld

They will receive $150 and $100 gift certificates to their favorite grocery store respectively and each will get a t-shirt with their slogan. Altogether the contest drew more than 225 unique entries from around the country.

The contest results were announced just as the Fourth of July week was about to begin – a week when Americans will eat more than 150 million hot dogs. That’s just part of the seven billion hot dogs that Americans eat between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Agribusiness, Food