Alltech International Dinner

Chuck Zimmerman

Since the first time I saw Dr. Ronan Tynan sing I was hooked. I can’t say how glad I was to see him on the program again here at the 2012 Alltech International Symposium. Tonight at the International Dinner Dr. Tynan sang one of Dr. Pearse Lyons favorites, Danny Boy. I recorded it so you can hear this great tenor voice.

We also heard songs tonight from Dr. Everett McCorvey, University of Kentucky, and his students. There were many standing ovations. These are world class voices and a real highlight to the start of an Alltech Symposium. I’ve got photos from all of them in the photo album. I’ll add a link to them later after they finish uploading.

Listen to Ronan sing here: Ronan Tynan Sings Danny Boy

Post Update: Here are photos from the conference, including the International Dinner: 2012 Alltech International Symposium Photo Album

Agribusiness, Alltech, Audio