AAEA New Media Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

AAEAThe American Agricultural Editors Association has announced its first New Media Awards Program. This is a very progressive move and I applaud them for it. It will be interesting to see the results and I’m betting there are already unanticipated questions for the competition. For example, I wonder if someone who is an Active member can submit entries in both the Marketing Communications Division and the Publishing Division as long as they are for different projects. I just happen to know a couple of members who qualify both ways as far as membership is concerned. If you know the answer to the question please leave in comments.

We are excited to announce the inaugural year of the AAEA New Media Awards Program, with thanks to Syngenta for providing the funding to make it possible and to many forward-thinking AAEA members who gave input during its gestation in recent years.

New Media Award Program entries and payment must be postmarked by April 17, 2012. Download the 2012 New Media Awards entry form (pdf). The form includes all the rules, guidelines and categories. Fees are $20 per entry.

Pay online.

AAEA members may enter in one of two divisions: Publishing or Marketing Communications. Note: An individual entry may be entered in one division or the other, not both. There is no limit to the number of entries per category a member may enter, however.

The Publishing Division of the New Media Awards is for those involved in creating editorial content for commercial or custom publications, electronic or print. This will include any entity that contains paid advertisements and/or charges subscribers to receive the content, as well as entities without paid advertising, such as those from companies, associations and cooperatives to their customers and/or members.

Publishing categories include podcasts, blogs, websites, webcasts/webinars, social media, mobile/tablet technology applications, and multimedia story.

The Marketing Communications Division is for those involved in marketing communications (i.e. public relations, media relations, etc.) for a company, agency, trade association or other non-publishing organization.

Marketing Communication categories include podcasts, blogs, websites, webcasts/webinars, social media, mobile/tablet technology applications, and online media rooms/media kits/media events.

AAEA, Media