2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer CropScience Ag Issues Forum

Chuck Zimmerman

The Bayer CropScience Ag Issues Forum starts today in advance of Commodity Classic. Cindy and I are on the agriblogging highway and this will be our first stop today upon arrival in Nashville.

Topics for the forum include: Food Waste: A Growing Problem; The State of Ag: Domestic and Global Trends; Global Food Security: Thinking Beyond Yield Growth; Feet on the Ground: Sustainability in Action; The Weeds Are Getting Smarter: A Problem Nobody Wants and Hands in the Dirt: First-hand Grower Experiences. It will be interesting to how our speakers define sustainability and if they have a common definition.

Follow the tweets from this event with this hashtag: #AgIssues12

Agribusiness, Bayer