2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Beltwide Kicks Off 2012 Ag Conference Season

Chuck Zimmerman

This image greets you as you take the escalator down to the meeting room and registration floor for the Beltwide Cotton Conferences at the Orlando World Center Marriott.

I got in too late to register but will get that taken care of early in the morning. While wandering around to get my bearings I did find the general session of the Consultants Conference going on. It looks like a big group is already here and hard at it.

This conference is really multiple conferences going on at the same time and location. In fact, there’s a lot of sessions and seminars to choose from. I’m interested to sit in on “SOCIAL MEDIA IN PRODUCTION AGRICULTURE.” It takes place tomorrow morning. Some of the segments include, New vs Old Information Sources to Clientele, Mississippi Crop Situation-A Team Blog, Blogging From a County Agent Perspective and Accountability- Tracking Your Progress.

I guess you could say that social media has become “mainstream” in production agriculture today, eh? Who’d a thought?

AgWired coverage of 2012 Beltwide Cotton Conference is sponsored by
Beltwide Cotton