RFA Ethanol Podcast

NFocus Forum Connects Suppliers and Producers

Cindy Zimmerman

NFocus Partners and Beck Ag recently partnered to hold the “NFocus Forum for Agribusiness” to allow ag suppliers from throughout the country to connect with some of the industry’s top producers.

“Producers no longer have the luxury of time for multiple supplier meetings. Now more than ever, it’s critical for suppliers to understand the purchasing patterns and input decision making of large producers. The NFocus Forum for Agribusiness allowed the industry’s leading suppliers and producers the opportunity to quickly and easily understand one another’s goals, challenges, and needs,” said Kim Nicholson, co-founder of NFocus Partners.

The Forum, which took place at Lake Lanier Islands Resort in Georgia, was a three day event where ag suppliers had the opportunity to have one-on-one meetings with a group of pre-screened growers. This format offered them the chance to hear unfiltered feedback and build a deeper understanding of the unique goals, problems and purchasing behaviors of some of the largest industry producers.

“I like this approach to marketing our company because we know what we’re getting for our money. Results can sometimes be difficult to measure with standard ad campaigns. With this Forum I know exactly who has heard my message,” said Scott Peterson, Marketing Manager, Bio-Rational Products, SipcamAdvan.

The Forum was designed to accommodate the time-sensitive needs of busy producers, while still offering direct opportunities for producers and suppliers to connect in a controlled environment with a dedicated agenda.

Find out more here.
