2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alltech Gets New Media

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 306This week’s program features a conversation I had at last week’s Alltech International Symposium with Billy Frey, Digita Marketing Manager. Billy was on the program with a session titled, “Precision Marketing: Don’t “get what you pay for,” only pay for what you get. His session was part of a new educational track called the New Ag Network. This track was created to take a holistic approach to business and marketing. The symposium still has species targeted educational tracks. His session was part of an effort to provide attendees with tools to do better marketing of their business.

Of course we talk about social media mechanisms since they now allow companies like Alltech to do their own branding without being completely dependent on traditional media channels. Billy says his number one message is “we have to listen to the customer.” These new tools that allow companies to engage with their customers make that easier than ever. At the same time they allow for very targeted and streamlined advertising efforts. There are ag media representatives from many countries that attend the Alltech Symposium. I asked him if he thought they are “getting it” when it comes to social media. He thinks they are or that they are at least in the process of making changes necessary to survive in the new media world. He’s proud of the ag media for embracing new media. In the photo Billy (left) is chatting with Dave Russell, Brownfield Ag News in the Symposium press room.

Billy thinks that the new media mechanisms provide an opportunity and a challenge since the younger generations are starting out with them while the older generations are only just coming around to accepting them. He echoes a belief I’ve had since we got into new media and that is that it’s just an evolution of the best form of marketing – word of mouth.

We also talk about the new Alltech App which currently provides unique information for pork producers and markets and weather. Basically, this means that Alltech has created their own information channel for their customers who can choose to get it and use it how and where they want.

Learn how Alltech is using new communications elements in the company’s marketing program: Alltech and New Media

Thanks to our ZimmCast sponsor, Growmark, locally owned, globally strong, for their support.

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Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Health, Apps, Audio, ZimmCast