2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

State Beef Council Federation Charter Adopted

Cindy Zimmerman

The Federation of State Beef Councils adopted a charter that details its financial and decision-making independence from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA).

The 12-point “Federation Charter of Principles” details independent functions, such as financial practices, while also retaining beneficial business ties the two entities have shared during their 15-year relationship. A Federation Structure Working Group drafted the charter in response to a resolution passed by Federation directors at the summer 2010 cattle industry conference.

“The board gave us the job of finding a way to better communicate how we operate independently from NCBA, without ending our long partnership,” said Scott George, a Wyoming dairy and beef producer who chaired the Federation in FY 2010 and led the working group. “This charter spells all that out in black and white, so our intentions and operations are transparent to our fellow beef producers and stakeholders.”

Listen or download my interview with Scott about the Federation here: Interview with Scott George

Scott has switched hats now as he was elected to be vice president of NCBA. The new chairman of the Federation is David Dick, a cow-calf producer from Sedalia, Missouri.

I’ve talked with David a couple of times over the past year for the Missouri Beef Industry Council about the Federation structure. He says the Federation spent a good deal of time working on this charter to clarify their role, but there is still some work to be done. “We need the framework and then we have to put the details in that,” he said.

Listen or download some comments from David Dick about the Federation charter here: David Dick

2011 Cattle Industry Convention Photos

See more coverage on BeltwayBeef.org.

Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA