2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farm Progress Growing Degree Days App

Chuck Zimmerman

I must have missed the announcement on this. But I found it anyway. It is the Farm Progress Growing Degree Days App. It’s free in the Android Market. No iPhone version so I can’t test it until I (reluctantly?) get a Droid. However, I do think that having your app in the Android Market if your target is farmers is smart right now. We’re working on an android version of the highly popular AgWired iPhone App for this reason.

Stay on top of your local crop maturity with our new FREE Growing Degree Days app for Android smartphone users.

Farm Progress is partnering with Genuity® traits and the Channel® Seed Brand to bring you this FREE “industry exclusive” app.

Get the app and then you can get an instant GDD report for your area or anywhere in the 48 states from your Android smartphone—24/7! And more…the app gives you comparisons of current and last year’s GDD stats.

To download the FREE Farm Progress Growing Degree Days app, search for “Growing Degree Days” in the Android Market.

Apps, Media