2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Smartphone Technology Education at AG CONNECT Expo

Chuck Zimmerman

AG CONNECT ExpoOne very well attended education session at AG CONNECT Expo was on “Smartphone Technology: Unleashing Agriculture.” The presenter was Neil Mylet, Loadout Technologies. He started his company right after graduating Purdue to develop intelligent smartphone technologies to allow phones to command and control and be part of industrial processes such as grain handling.

Neil was encouraged by the turnout at his session and he hopes they left better able to assess how they can better integrate mobile smartphone technology into their operation. He thinks mobile technology is still in a growth mode but will change how we communicate and work within the industry. The ag industry is no different than others that are being transformed by new technology. He says wifi is also essential on farms to take full advantage of these technologies. He also believes farmer adoption of smartphones is just a matter of time.

You can listen to my interview with Neil here: Interview With Neil Mylet

2011 AG CONNECT Expo Photo Album

Audio, Technology