2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

USDA/DOJ Public Workshop Press Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Sec. of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and Attorney General Eric Holder held a press conference this morning during a break in the USDA/DOJ public workshop in Ft. Collins, CO. I’m posting the full audio from it here for you. I’ve got lots of audio and story ideas for after today. I think getting photos, audio and live streaming to the over 300 who have been listening in so far has been priority.

I asked Sec. Vilsack if USDA or anyone has done any research on the impact or consequences of the proposed GIPSA rule. He gave a round about answer that made it apparent that none has. He pointed to the thousands of comments that have come in and are still coming in as providing lots of input on what people think will happen.

USDA/DOJ Public Workshop Press Conf
USDA/DOJ Livestock Competition Workshop and Forums Photo Album

Audio, GIPSA, Livestock, USDA