Missourians For Animal Care Continues HSUS Battle

Chuck Zimmerman

Missourians For Animal Care continue to fight the HSUS battle by releasing another video to help create public awareness.

Our mission is to promote and protect Missouri’s vibrant and diverse agriculture, which includes livestock and domesticated animals.

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A ballot initiative is currently underway in the state of Missouri. This ballot initiative is called “The Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act”. This ballot measure would place onerous restrictions on Missouri’s well-run licensed breeding facilities which is unfair and misguided. This law punishes law-abiding, licensed breeders for the minority of unlicensed breeders who do not follow the Animal Care Facilities Act Program (ACFA) and who are non-compliant to the law. This measure would also impose detrimental economic consequences for our Missouri farming and agriculture communities.

Ag Groups, Animal Activists