ACE is the place if you’re involved in agricultural communications at a land grant university. I am now at the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Life and Human Sciences Annual Meeting. Now that is a mouthful.
The Association for Communication Excellence (ACE) is an international association of communicators, educators and information technologists. It offers professional development and networking for individuals who extend knowledge about agriculture, natural resources and life and human sciences.
I got here just in time for the welcoming reception. Speaking to the group is meeting committee member Terry Meisenbach, eXtension. So I got him to sit down for a few minutes to tell me more about this organization.
Terry says the program here has 5 keynote speakers who will speak at different times during the program as well as many breakout sessions of which I’m doing one on social media. You can find the program here (pdf). The organization does ongoing professional improvement programs including virtual workshops using Adobe Connect. He says the membership has been holding steady in the last couple years primarily due to budget challenges at many universities. We also talk about eXtension too.
You can listen to my interview with Terry here.