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Growth Energy Launches National Ethanol TV Ad Campaign

Chuck Zimmerman

This is interesting. Growth Energy (a ZimmComm client) has just announced via live web stream that they’re also launching a national ethanol tv ad campaign. “For too long, we have allowed our opponents to define who we are. That ends today,” said Tom Buis, CEO of Growth Energy.

America’s ethanol supporters launched the industry’s first national TV ad campaign today to promote the only renewable, domestic fuel that is an alternative to imported oil, which makes up nearly 60 percent of the nation’s fuel supply.

“Ethanol is America’s fuel: it’s made here in the U.S., it creates U.S. jobs, and it contributes to America’s national and economic security. This ad campaign is designed to reach beyond the Beltway to communicate those facts about ethanol to the broader American public – people who until now have only heard one side of the story,” said (Ret.) Gen. Wesley K. Clark, Co-Chairman of Growth Energy, the coalition of U.S. ethanol supporters that is airing the “America’s Fuel” campaign.

The six-month, $2.5 million campaign will air six separate spots on four cable networks: Fox, MSNBC, CNN and HLN (formerly Headline News). More than half of the spots are in primetime, with the rest airing on shows – such as Larry King Live, Morning Joe, and Fox and Friends – that attract influential viewers, including political officeholders and the press.

The spots began airing at 6 a.m. today on all four networks. Each of the six spots focuses on a particular message about ethanol: Independent, Clean, Renewable, Peace, Sensible and Economic.

Ag Groups, Biofuels, Energy, Ethanol, Video