The New Ag International Enhanced-Efficiency Fertilizer Conference is underway. Our opening general session is underway. I will be posting from the session later.
Before we got started though I spoke with John Hassell (right), Manager, Research and Agronomic Development, AGROTAIN, pictured here with Jeff Whetstine. AGROTAIN is one of the major sponsors of the conference and my coverage from here.
John says these enhanced efficiency fertilizers are new technology that can help us get more nitrogen to the plant so it can make more grain. This conference will discuss these new technologies with a collection of researchers and industry representatives from around the world. I asked him what he thinks is the one thing these new fertilizer technologies bring to agriculture. He says it will “put a new face on agriculture.” In the past ag has received a lot of blame for using too much nitrogen but that’s going to change now with these new efficiency technologies which increase ag sustainability.
You can listen to my interview with John below.
I’ve also started an online photo album: Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer Conference Photo Album
AgWired coverage of the New Ag International Conference
on Enhanced-Efficiency Fertilizers is made possible by .