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What’s NUE From John Deere

Cindy Zimmerman

AgWired coverage of opening day at the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by:

2010 National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

nfmsWhat is NUE from John Deere at the 2010 National Farm Machinery Show is Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency.

I talked to Dave Wendt with John Deere, who was demonstrating the new addition to the 2510 high speed nutrient applicators. “This machine is a 23 row model, set up on 30 inch spacing to not only side dress, but to run in fall or spring pre-plant.”

The machine folds up into a nice 18 foot package for on-road transport, but the really cool thing that Dave was demonstrating was how it hooks up to the PitStop Pro tendering system to help customers quickly and efficiently change anhydrous ammonia tanks without leaving the cab of the tractor.

“Today, to hook and unhook anhydrous tanks manually might take 10-12 minutes,” Dave said. “With the PitStop System, we’re looking at about a minute and a half to two minutes.” The system is controlled through the same GS2 display in the cab that runs the AutoTrac or rate controller.

Listen to or download my interview with Dave in the player below and watch a demo video here:

Audio, Farm Machinery, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show, Video