Beef Board Operating Committee Meets

Chuck Zimmerman

Beef Board Operating Comm. Mtg.The Beef Board Operating Committee had a big challenge here at the Cattle Industry Convention. A number of previously funded projects returned unused dollars which now became available for re-allocation. This happens normally and so a number of what are called AR’s or Authorization Requests (amended) were made from other projects that had funds cut last year to obtain some of the newly available funds. As you might expect, there were requests for more than the dollars available.

To learn more about the work of the Operating Committee I spoke to Beef Board Chairman Lucinda Williams who presided over the meeting. She explains the process the committee is going through. She says an example of a program requesting funds is the summer grilling program which would like to extend the promotion. After hearing presentations from all the requests the committee then makes decisions on them to approve or not approve. I spoke with her prior to the voting.

Cattle Industry Convention Photo Album

You can listen to or download my interview with Lucinda below:

Audio, Cattle Industry Conference