2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

John Becherer USB CEO Honored By St. Louis Ag Club

Chuck Zimmerman

john-bechererUnited Soybean Board CEO John Becherer (left) received the 2009 Agribusiness Leader of the Year award from the St. Louis Agribusiness Club.

According to Dale Ludwig, executive director of the Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council, “John leads one of the most successful farmer-checkoff programs in the world.” Ludwig, a senior staff member of a Qualified State Soybean Board, nominated Becherer for the award. The St. Louis Agribusiness Club represents farmers and others involved in one of the richest agricultural regions of the world.

Becherer describes himself as a consensus builder and views his position at USB as an opportunity to continue his career-long interest in helping farmers farm more profitably.

“This well deserved honor reflects highly upon John’s leadership, but also to the level of commitment this organization has to U.S. soybean farmers,” says USB Chairman Phil Bradshaw, a soybean farmer from west-central Illinois. “For 15 years, John has provided guidance in leveraging checkoff dollars and complying with the federal law that established the national soybean checkoff. He helped to spearhead QUALISOY, an industry-wide effort to help market the development and availability of healthier soybeans and soy oil, and helps lead SOY 2020 to create a long-term vision for the U.S. soy industry.”

Becherer was raised on a dairy farm in central Wisconsin and has always maintained strong ties with the agricultural community. John has more than 20 years of management experience and holds a master’s degree in agricultural economics.

Ag Groups, USB