2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Soybean Growers Can Ask Questions of USB Experts

Chuck Zimmerman

Marc Curtis United Soybean BoardThis is the next installment in our series about Expert Advice from the United Soybean Board. While attending the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention I spoke with USB Treasurer Marc Curtis who farms in Mississippi.

Marc serves on the USB Production Committee so he’s especially happy that the organization can offer Expert Advice to soybean growers via a regular column on their website which allows registered growers to read, comment and ask questions and get answers. There are several regular Expert Advice columnists who Marc says are covering various topics like diseases, rust, insects, agronomics and just about anything that a grower will have to deal with. He says that one of the issues Southeast growers have right now during harvest is what to do with a crop that is still in the ground due to wet weather. He says they can find answers by posing questions on the Expert Advice section of the website since USB has a research project in progress on this very topic.

You can listen to my interview with Marc below.

Ag Groups, Audio, NAFB, Soybean, USB